I had literally cut it myself earlier that year — with a pair of fingernail scissors — while working on the “Peyton Place” TV series at Fox Studios. This was long before I ever heard of Vidal Sassoon. My then-boyfriend, Frank Sinatra, loved the cut, and so I kept it short. (I purchased some hair scissors; then, as now, I cut it myself.) Vidal Sassoon is mentioned in the book “Rosemary’s Baby” and the film. So, Paramount decided to stage a photo shoot in which Mr. Sassoon trimmed my 1 1/2-inch hair to 1 inch. The whole event was taken in good spirits. (I wore a wig during the earlier scenes.)

I intend no disrespect to Mr. Sassoon, but he had nothing to do with my haircut. Neither, I can assure you, did my divorce from Frank Sinatra have to do with my haircut.

Best regards,

(Your Invaluable Sleuth of Hair History)